Invited talks

  1. Ueda, A. (2024). Tensor network and Renormalization group; JPS symposium on Tensor Networks.
  2. Ueda, A. (2024). Tensor networks and RG; Theoretical studies of topological phases of matter, CREST Tutorial Workshop.
  3. Ueda, A. (2023). Accurate simulation using Tensor networks; Tensor Network 2023, CCS.
  4. Ueda, A. (2022). Anatomy of 2D classical lattice models with TNR; Tensor Networks: Mathematical Structures and Novel Algorithms, ESI.

Regular talks

  1. Ueda, A. (2023). RG flow and fixed-points in tensor network representation; MPI-UBC-UTokyo 2023 (Poster).
  2. Ueda, A. (2022). Visualizing the Kosterlitz RG flow with tensor-network based level spectroscopy; Boundary and Bulk Criticality (Online).
  3. Ueda, A. (2022). Hidden Criticality in 2D Dynamical quantum phase transitions; JPS meeting.
  4. Ueda, A. (2021). RG Flow and Finite bond-dimension effect of Tensor Network Renormalization; JPS meeting.